Case Study - Beer Belly Brewing

The brewery in this example is a fictitious one, but the outcome reflects our plans to launch NFT with an actual brewery.
Beer Belly Brewing (BBB)

BBB is a new brewery that has amassed a social media following of about 10,000 (Facebook – 10,667, Twitter – 922, Instagram – 8,444). 

They distribute about 20,000 cans a month to local stores. As a way to celebrate their brewery and show their community a bit of their fun side, they plan to produce 10,000 cans of Lazy Boy IPA.

Objective: Create a new marketing strategy to:
  • Differentiate their brewery and demonstrate they are an industry leader
  • Create a newsworthy event that creates hype and buzz 
  • Build brand awareness and excitement
  • Grow their community and engage their customer base
  • Increase revenue and margins
  • Sell more merchandise (create more “walking advertisements”).
Enter: CraftBrewPrints Label Art NFT collection marketing strategy.

CraftBrewNFT’s team collaborated with BBB on an NFT marketing strategy. While BBB has many stories to tell and fun craft brew themes, they decided to build a collection that celebrates and reflects BBB’s fun side.

Gamify Craft Beer like Pokemon:

Rather than creating the same character for every label, they decided to create a fun character that changes with every label. Some traits are rarer than others, resulting in scarcity and potential value like Pokemon cards.

BBB’s artists designed a balding man with a large beer belly dressed in a wife beater holding a beer and a cigarette. They added multiple layers (eyewear, smoking paraphernalia, hats, shoes, background colors, patterns, etc.) with various fun traits.

Label Art NFT sample collection:
Visit the About page to see samples (scrolling gif file) of the design collection for the NFT marketplace and for print production for BBB retail distribution. Using the QR code on the beer label, customers can redeem or purchase a digital version of their label artwork (NFT).
Increase in revenue potential.

It is estimated that NFT’s online marketing events engage 10% or more of the community’s followers. In this case, BBB has about 10,000 followers and 10% of 10,000 is equal to 1,000 participants.

NFTs can be sold at any price, the more utility (special perks) you add to the NFT, the higher the price you can command.

If the collection sells out at a $10.00/NFT price point revenue generation is ~$10,000 in added revenue.  Other sales revenues from NFT art prints for the home or office, and additional NFT label art merchandise sales (shirts, hats, stickers, decals, glassware, etc.)

As NFTs become more mainstream, this market is expected to grow significantly.

Collect and trade beer label art from around the world:

There is a global market for craft brew label art NFTs, which can be traded between collectors and customers around the globe. It is also easy for beer lovers to create their own virtual gallery to display craft brew labels from around the world. Invite other beer lovers and label art enthusiasts to tour your collection!


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